An Undying Love

An Undying Love

Letter to the Ephesians

Series start date: April 21st, 2024

From the confines of imprisonment, Paul pens another letter to a young church that he started during one of his missionary tours. Residing in this bustling metropolitan, that was rich with commerce and culture, was a group of Christ followers. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians was brimming with reminders about their calling, their identity, and their loving relationship with God in Jesus. Accordingly, Paul concludes his letter with this endearing benediction, “Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.” (Ephesians 6:24). This series will explore the themes that inform Paul’s benediction.

Sermons in this series

  • An Undying Love


    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    We recap the entire book of Ephesians through reading, prayer and song.

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  • An Undying Love

    No Longer Unequipped

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    The conclusion of Paul’s letter includes an appeal to see that there are cosmic forces at play, seeking to draw us away from God and one another. Thus, Paul informs the Ephesians that there is an assortment of equipment that we have been afforded to aid our battle. This equipment is that which protects our “Undying Love” for God!

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  • An Undying Love

    No Longer Dispirited

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Paul continues to instruct the Ephesians that their lives should reflect the Spirit that indwells them. Relationships of all kinds are not exempt from being swayed to reflect the spirit of God’s impact.

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  • An Undying Love

    No Longer Unruly

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Being a follower of Jesus has blessed and direct consequences. This changes how we live and is demonstrated in our embrace of a new moral code of conduct. Paul lists an array of vices that should be avoided and virtues that should be adopted in our lives.

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  • An Undying Love

    No Longer Immature

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Jesus followers are empowered by the Holy Spirit and possess the fullness of God. Paul reminds the disciples at Ephesus that God has distributed gifts and roles for the church in order that the church would grow and mature. Following Paul’s instructions demands that every one in the body discovers their gift and uses it.

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  • An Undying Love

    No Longer in the Dark

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    God, through his generous spirit, is constantly making known (revelation) to us things that were previously undisclosed. Paul encourages the Ephesians to revel in God’s revelation as a source that informs their faith. How does living in God’s revelation shape our lives and ministry to the world?

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  • An Undying Love

    No Longer Strangers

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    From our understanding of the region, this group of Christians was comprised of a diverse group of disciples. Paul reminds this group that unity should be a hallmark of this beloved community. The message that unity sends to the world reflects having peace with God, who authored this cherished unity.

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  • An Undying Love

    No Longer Unalive

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Paul is mindful to help the Ephesians recall their former lives to highlight their current life as a result of the grace of God. Being alive has the function of impacting everything around us. How does being alive bring life to the rampant morbidity in our society?

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  • An Undying Love

    No Longer in Charge

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    The church in Ephesus was an influential church visited by Paul during his second missionary journey (Circa AD 52). The book of Acts gives a prolonged description of Paul’s interaction with this group of disciples. In the introduction of this letter, Paul reminds the Jesus followers of many of the blessings they enjoy while also highlighting Christ’s authority in their lives.

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