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Various Speakers
Sermons in this series
- Various Speakers
Moving Forward With Purpose
Where do we see ourselves today?
- Do we see ourselves moving, and if yes, to where?
- Do we see ourselves moving forward, and if yes, to who?
- Do we see ourselves living a life of purpose?
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- Various Speakers
For Our Good
by Jerome Brown
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
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- Various Speakers
Didasko Children's Home 2022
Didasko Children's Home was founded and began to function in 1983 outside of the Capital city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, to help meet the growing need to care for orphans, abandoned, exploited and abused children.
Sixteen years ago, Jorge Castillo left a secure job at the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa, and with his wife Rosa, who was a teacher, and two children they moved to Didasko (20 miles outside of Tegucigalpa) to become the directors of this vital ministry.
They accepted the challenge of the Lord to care for these children that had been abandoned, neglected and abused; to win them to Christ, and to give them the love and warmth of a home that they had never known before.
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- Various Speakers
Vision: The Three Elements
How do we live in the tension between where we are, and where we see ourselves being?
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- Various Speakers
Didasko Children's Home 2016
Didasko Children's Home was founded and began to function in 1983 outside of the Capital city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, to help meet the growing need to care for orphans, abandoned, exploited and abused children.
Sixteen years ago, Jorge Castillo left a secure job at the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa, and with his wife Rosa, who was a teacher, and two children they moved to Didasko (20 miles outside of Tegucigalpa) to become the directors of this vital ministry.
They accepted the challenge of the Lord to care for these children that had been abandoned, neglected and abused; to win them to Christ, and to give them the love and warmth of a home that they had never known before.
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- Various Speakers
Not Exclusive
A Study of Jonah
by Eric Johnson
We can learn a lot about God and ourselves by looking at the story of Jonah.
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- Various Speakers
Who's The Strongest?
by Rick Miller
The human condition is competitive. We like the strong and the beautiful. But are we asking the right question when we ask "Who's The Strongest?"
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- Various Speakers
by Alex Minzler
Doesn't everyone hate walking? But it serves the purpose of getting you from point A to point B. The same can be said for our Christian walk: it gets us from where we are to where God wants us to be.
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- Various Speakers
Jesus' Challenge
by Alex Minzler
Jesus challenges us to do the right thing, to do what's in other's best interest.
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- Various Speakers
Present Everyone Fully Mature in Christ
What produces maturity is being mature. Imitating Christ leads to being transformed into Christ.
Primary text(s): Matthew 28:16-20; Colossians 1:28-29; Romans 5:1-5Listen now
- Various Speakers
You've Done the Hard Work
Randy spends a few moments commending the Reynoldsburg Church for the hard work its done to come to where we are today.
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