

Series start date: January 15th, 2023

Our belief in the Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is the rock upon which we exist. The way we express this core belief indicates what values we hold dear. In this series we explore some of the values that we have both cherished and continue to uphold as part of our identity.

Sermons in this series

  • Values


    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Our church community represents a mosaic of individuals who have been blessed by the generosity of God. He has given us everything we need that pertains to life and godliness. Since we are the offspring of God, it is in our DNA to be generous with our life, our time and our money. Accordingly, the Reynoldsburg church values generosity.

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  • Values


    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    The Bible is not a tool to be twisted to fit our agenda. The Bible contains the holy scriptures that have the power to shape the Jesus community. Through bible reading, bible study and bible practice, we demonstrate that the Reynoldsburg church values Scripture.

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  • Values


    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    The weekly observance of communion is less about following a rule and more about the expression of God’s heart for his blessed community. This sacred event celebrates the sacrifice of Jesus while simultaneously it is the participation in God’s family. At the Reynoldsburg church, we value Communion.

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  • Values


    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Our weekly assembly is an intentional gathering where we bring our collective hearts and voices together to praise the God of the heavens. In the past 3 years, we have had to adjust in response to a global pandemic. Nonetheless, as a church, we value worship.

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  • Values


    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    The call to follow Jesus is aptly called discipleship. To be a disciple is to do all things Jesus. The goal of discipleship is maturity, growth, and multiplication. At the Reynoldsburg church, we value discipleship.

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  • Values


    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Jesus left us a wealth of teachings to live by. But perhaps the greatest lesson he demonstrated was that of surrendering to the way of God. His baptism is a cue for us to do the same and live a life of fully surrendering to God. At the Reynoldsburg church, we value surrendering.

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We strive to be imitators of Christ by glorifying God, uplifting one another, serving our neighbors, and sharing the promise of eternal life. Join us!
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