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The Real Housewives of Advent
The gospel of Matthew starts with a birth narrative of Jesus Christ. It begins with a genealogy. Contained within the genealogy is the preserved history and narrative of Gods people leading up to the birth of the Messiah. There are 5 names in the list that share a particular trait. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary are the only five females included in the list. These five women not only make an appearance in the list, their stories represent some of the most bizarre and scandalous episodes in the life of Israel. During Advent 2020, we will seek to explore these stories and identify how their inclusion in the story of Jesus’ arrival conjures up feelings of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.
Sermons in this series
- The Real Housewives of Advent
by Dion Frasier
Strangely, of all the women in the genealogy of Jesus, we know less about Mary’s background than all the others. Nonetheless, Mary has been cemented in the collective memory of God’s people as she played a momentous role in the life of Jesus from birth to death. On this Christmas Eve, we will briefly explore Mary’s role in birthing Jesus, who would be the Hope of all humanity, the Peace on earth, the Joy of human’s desiring and the Love of God personified.
- The Real Housewives of Advent
by Dion Frasier
If we believe the story of Bathsheba was most Scandalous, Tamar’s story might make the case for a close second or a tie for first. Tamar was a widow who sought care, security and well-being in a society that was hard on single women. She concocted a sordid scheme to meet her needs. Out of desperation, she secured what she wanted and what she needed. For her efforts, she too has been rewarded with being inextricably linked to the Messiah and included in his genealogy. In the season of waiting, how does Tamar’s story invoke the spirit of love and care?
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- The Real Housewives of Advent
by Dion Frasier
Ruth receives the distinction of being 1 of only 2 women who have a book of the Bible named after her. She is a remarkable woman whose story is beautifully told in the book that bears her name. She is a woman of integrity, honor and loyalty. Her life brought joy to a situation that was bombarded with tragedy and bitterness. During the season of Advent, how can Ruth encourage us to embrace and share Joy?
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- The Real Housewives of Advent
by Dion Frasier
There is no coded language here. Rahab was a prostitute. She lived in a land that would eventually be conquered by the nomadic Israelites. She lived in the Promised Land given to Israel by God. Her actions proved to be beneficial to the eventual residents of the land. Not only is she mentioned in Jesus’ genealogy, she is mentioned in the book of Hebrews as a example of great faith. How does faith in God secure peace in a season of waiting?
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- The Real Housewives of Advent
by Dion Frasier
In this introductory sermon we will explore the genealogy of Jesus. We will highlight the unique inclusion of women in a Jewish genealogy. Not only is it uncommon to include women, the women who are included all possess scandalous narratives. Bathsheba’s story might be the most scandalous. How does Bathsheba’s story invoke feelings of Hope in a season of waiting?
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