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The Eucharist
For centuries, the practice that has stood at the center of the Christian church is the Lord's Supper (Communion). In our particular Christian tradition, we are less familiar with the Lord's supper being called Eucharist. Eucharist comes from the Greek word "eucharisto" which means to give thanks. When Jesus instituted this practice, the author of Luke records this: "After taking the cup, he gave thanks and said, 'Take this and divide it among you.'" (Luke 22:17).
Our participation in the Lord's Supper is a declaration of Thanksgiving. It makes sense to spend some time focusing on Thanksgiving in November in preparation of celebrating the Thanksgiving Holiday. But more than that, we will remind each other that as people committed to the practice of Eucharist, we respond in celebration (worship), contribution (giving) and reflection (prayer).
Sermons in this series
- The Eucharist
The Reflection
by Dion Frasier
Our participation in this Eucharist is a time to reflect on many things:
- our spiritual communion with the triune God
- our reception of the grace of God
- our hope and joy because of a returning Lord
- our unity in the Body of Christ
- our gratitude for all we have to be thankful for
- our invitation to partner with God in his mission
- how incredible it would be if more people were with us at this table
Let's proclaim together the Lord's death until he comes.
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- The Eucharist
The Contribution
by Dion Frasier
Offering our contribution isn't separate and apart from the Eucharist, it is an important extension of the communion. By extension, as we receive, we also give.
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- The Eucharist
The Celebration
by Dion Frasier
As Christ followers, we have a lot to celebrate:
- We were rescued by the body and blood of Jesus
- We were liberated from the chains of sin
- We now enjoy new life in God because of the body and blood of Jesus
- We now enjoy a unified life with God and other followers of Jesus
In the Eucharist, we are giving thanks to God for freeing us to live in communion with God and one another.
Video courtesy The ZOE Group.
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