A list of all the audio only sermons available on the site.

  • Follow The Leader

    The Blessing of Discipleship

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


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  • Follow The Leader

    The Cost of Discipleship

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


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  • Follow The Leader

    The Call of Discipleship

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


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  • Follow The Leader

    The Way of Discipleship

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


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  • I Want To Know What Love Is

    Love is Victorious...

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Love never fails! The resurrection of Christ was the cosmic and supernatural stamp that Love will always win. While we might doubt the lasting impressions of our love for one another, Jesus makes the claim that since love can overpower death, it can overpower dissension, conflict and sin! Love will allow us to claim victory in our marriages, in our families, in our church, and in our community!

    Key Verses: 1 Corinthians 13:8-13; 1 Corinthians 15

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  • I Want To Know What Love Is

    Love is Communal...

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Love is not self seeking. The definition of agape is doing what's in the other person's best interest. Therefore the very definition of love assumes relationship. Love is a community experience and Jesus left us a lasting example of that love when he shared his last Passover meal and washed his apostles? feet. May we feast with him and continue this legacy of communal love.

    Key Verses: 1 Corinthians 13:5-7; John 13

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  • I Want To Know What Love Is

    Love Keeps No Record Of Wrongs...

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    One of the most difficult areas in the human condition is forgiveness. When we are hurt, it is hard not to hold someone to what they have done. God?s love is so powerfully demonstrated in the way he forgives and forgets! Can we ever love in this regard. How do we not keep record of wrongs?

    Key Verses: 1 Corinthians 13:5; Psalm 25; Psalm 130

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  • I Want To Know What Love Is

    Love Is Kind...

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    The continued testimony of love in the lives of God?s people is one of displaying the nature of God in our lives. In displaying a love that is kind we emulate the kindness of god and make for a better way of living in the body of Christ.

    Key verses: 1 Corinthians 13:4; Ephesians 4:29-3; Proverbs 11:17

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  • I Want To Know What Love Is

    Love Is Patient...

    Justin Kuhn

    by Justin Kuhn

    Youth and Worship Minister

    Our God is slow to anger. Our God is patient. How does our display of a patient love show others the very nature of God? Why do we lose patience so quickly in our relationship? Let?s explore God?s patience in his love for us and seek to love in a way that is patient.

    Key Verses: 1 Corinthians 13:4; Proverbs 14:29; Ephesians 4:1-3

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  • Hearts to Katie and Alex
    Something Different

    Hearts to Katie and Alex

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


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  • I Want To Know What Love Is

    God Is Love...

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    It is undeniable that God is love. We are his offspring so are we love? Using 1 John 4 and 1 Corinthians as a launching pad, we will begin our journey into a discussion of the greatest gift of all - love.

    Key Verses: 1 John 4:7-20; 1 Corinthians 13

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  • Inside Out

    Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Spirit

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    As we conclude this deconstruction of the "Plan of Salvation," we will tie in all we?ve been discussing by affirming the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the life of the church.

    Key Verse: Acts 2:38

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  • Inside Out

    Baptism, Pt. 1

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    A brief historical look at Baptism and its origins. Have we lost the inward reality of this outward expression? How do we reclaim it?

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  • Inside Out


    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    What does God do on the inside of us that drives us to confess Him to be Lord? How does this lead to public confession through conversation and lifestyle? We will explore confessions of faith as they relate to God?s activity in the heart.

    Key Verses: 1 Kings 8; Romans 10:1-10

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  • Inside Out


    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Do we desire the supernatural and extravagant change that God is so willing to do in our life? How does this change that God enacts in our lives affect the ongoing process of repentance throughout the duration of our spiritual journey?

    Key Verses: Ezekiel 18:19-32; 2 Peter 3:3-9

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  • Inside Out

    Believe (Faith)

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    God has called his people to live by an abiding faith that is formed through witnessing His powerful work among His people.  The righteous ones live by faith and their faith is often highlighted in times of distress and uncertainty.  How does the cultivating of faith on the inside affect living faith on the outside?

    Key Verses: 2 Chronicles 20:1-21, John 12:35-46

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  • Hear
    Inside Out


    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    'Hear O Israel, The Lord Your God is one!' This is the core confession of Judaism. It encompasses all the ideals related to cultivating a heart that listens to the one true God.

    Key Verses: Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Romans 10:12-17

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  • Look At The Man

    What's That Smell?

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Paul said we are the aroma or fragrance of Christ. If we have experienced Christ, our lives will look like Christ. We will love like Christ, serve like Christ and share the good news of the Kingdom like Christ!
    Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 2:14-16

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  • Look At The Man

    The Christian Must Teach Christ

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Where do we start when share the gospel message of Jesus? Do we start with rules, doctrine, church organization or do we start with Jesus Christ. If Jesus is to receive the ?preeminence? in all we do, then our teach must start with Jesus Christ!
    Key Verse: Colossians 1:9-20

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  • Look At The Man

    The Christian Must Know Christ

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Nothing compares to knowing and experiencing Christ. Whatever our motto or purpose statement or mission statement says, at the heart of our experience is Christ. At the core of our being is the ambition declared to the Philippian church declared by Paul, 'Everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus [our] Lord."
    Key Verse: Philippians 3:1-11

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We strive to be imitators of Christ by glorifying God, uplifting one another, serving our neighbors, and sharing the promise of eternal life. Join us!
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