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Matthew 13:34 says, “Jesus told the crowds all these things in parables; without a parable he told them nothing.” The gospels contain many of these parables. For centuries, Christians have been trying to discover the deep truths of these parables. Some parables are explained by Jesus and we have no doubt regarding their meaning. Yet, several of Jesus parables continue to perplex us. While parables often seem really easy to interpret, many parables contain deep truths that are unearthed after deep study and reflection. In this series, we will look at some of Jesus’ parables and attempt to discover their rich lessons for our lives today.
Sermons in this series
- Parables
The Great Banquet
by Dion Frasier
The kingdom of God is a party and we are all invited, so let's celebrate!
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- Parables
Parable of the Talents
by Dion Frasier
Don't waste the talents God has given you (they're God's talents, you know).
Maybe there's more here about rich exploitation of the poor than what we care to see or believe. Let's take a closer look.
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- Parables
The Sower and The Weeds
by Dion Frasier
In both of these stories the hearer is told to give up control of the things God does and to be proactive in what they can do. In other words, rather than trying to figure out the soil just scatter seed. But maybe more importantly, be good soil.
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- Parables
The Pharisee and Tax Collector
by Dion Frasier
Two men went up to the temple to pray...
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- Parables
The Prodigal
by Dion Frasier
Are we so focused on our own goodness that we miss out on the goodness of God?
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- Parables
The Good Samaritan
by Dion Frasier
To a Jewish person in the first century, a Samaritan was anything but "good". The Jews hated the Samaritans and the Samaritans hated the Jews.
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- Parables
Laborers in the Vineyard
by Dion Frasier
To many in the day of Jesus, his teachings regarding the Kingdom of God were unfair. Some categorized his teachings as backwards and upside down. It seemed like Jesus' teachings always favored the small, the weak, and the underdog. Those who wanted to be powerful, in first place or the greatest, just didn't get what Jesus was talking about. This is one of those parables that makes people complain "this is backwards" or this is "unfair".
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