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Money Talk$
$o Why Are We Afraid To Talk?
This sermon series will address the very important topic of money and its role in the life of disciples. It is very convenient for us to ignore this topic, but in ignoring the topic, we are refusing to address something that impacts the daily lives of Jesus followers. The Bible has much to say about money, possessions and our relationship with them. How will Biblical principles impact our current treatment of money and the trajectory of our relationship with money?
Sermons in this series
- Money Talk$
To Give or Not to Give… That I$ Not the Question
by Dion Frasier
Let's talk openly and honestly about giving. Taking our cue from the generosity of God and the example of Macedonian Christians, we will be encouraged to be generous in our offering of both ourselves and our money.
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- Money Talk$
Let’$ Get Personal
by Dion Frasier
How do our personal finances look? Do we have a budget? Are we crippled with debt? In this sermon, we will discuss the value of being honest and responsible with our personal finances. Does scripture give us a roadmap to achieve good personal/family finances?
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- Money Talk$
Where’$ Your Heart?
by Dion Frasier
Let's explore the place of money in the life of followers if Jesus. Here we highlight our struggle to be honest about money. Our interaction with money is part of discipleship and our walk with God.
Why not find out where you'd actually sit in comparison to the rest of the world?
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