

Series start date: November 5th, 2023

In the model prayer Jesus taught his disciples, he says, “Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Our conversations about heaven are inundated with images of euphoria and ecstasy that cannot be replicated on earth. Yet we are told to pray that God’s heaven intersects with our earth. In this last sermon series before the season of Advent, we will take a deep dive into the images of Heaven that have dominated our imaginations and intersect our imagination with what scripture says about heaven.

Sermons in this series

  • Heaven

    And Then I Saw…

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    In the book of Revelation, John records a series of visions that God revealed to him. Much of what John saw has formed our collective understanding of heaven. In this sermon we survey some of what John saw. Do his visions affirm/challenge what we already know and believe?

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  • Heaven

    Back To Eden

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    The Garden of Eden was a place full of beauty, pristine elements, and innocence. Sin got in the way of God’s intent to reside closely with humans in this Garden. In this sermon, we explore how heaven represents a return to God’s ideal habitat for the God-Human relationship.

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  • Heaven

    Heaven Is a Place On Earth?

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    There must be something better than this, right? That is a thought that has captured the imagination of humans on earth. For many, Heaven is that place we often think of as the ultimate escape from pain/suffering on earth as well as a reward for living a good life on earth. We introduce the series by asking the questions, “What is so good about heaven”? and why did Jesus tell us to pray that God’s will in heaven be done on earth?

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