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In the second letter of Peter, the author offers these words, "His divine power has given us everything needed for life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." (2 Peter 1:3). What is meant by everything? Let's explore the list that follows this remarkable assertion.
Sermons in this series
- Everything
by Bill Johnson
As his time on earth drew near to a close, Jesus cast a vision for love that would transform life on earth. In his last discourse to his disciples, Jesus gave a "New Command". It is a command that has proven elusive in many contexts, but it is the crowning virtue that ties everything together in life.
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- Everything
Mutual Affection
David and Jonathan
by Dion Frasier
Previously we looked at David's hostile relationship with Saul. Now we explore the strange and unlikely beautiful relationship David had with Saul's son, Jonathan. How did their mutual affection secure a legacy of kindness and love?
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- Everything
by Dion Frasier
Daniel, along with his friends were stars among the exiles in Babylon. They were identified because of their intellect and potential. But what made these young men standouts was their commitment to the way of God despite the conditions that were not friendly to God’s way. How does godliness preserve the plight of God’s kingdom?
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- Everything
by Dion Frasier
Jeremiah was a prophet who was called at a young age and reluctantly accepted the call. He witnessed a lot of discouraging events and developments. Yet, the fire within him fueled his passion for the work of the Lord. His prophetic work is a vivid picture of endurance.
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- Everything
Self Control
by Dion Frasier
David was an identified threat to Saul's throne. This threat would enact a manhunt for David, causing him to live as a fugitive. When David came face to face with his pursuer, did he end the bounty on his head?
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- Everything
by Dion Frasier
The bible includes several narratives that teach the value of knowledge and its role in the bettering of God's community and the world at large. We will look at Huldah and Ezra who did not use knowledge for leverage over others, but rather used knowledge to make situations better.
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- Everything
by Dion Frasier
In this introduction to the series, we explore the author's intent to send positive reinforcements to this early Christian community. Drawing on their faith in God, he reminds them that God's providence has enabled them to the full. By holding fast to the virtues listed, the people of God take sure steps to securing their eternal residence.
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