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During this six weeks, we will explore the theme of Lent through a brief journey in the gospel of Matthew. To accompany our journey, each member will be given a Lenten journal to accompany the season. Someone describe Lent as “a season of preparation, self-reflection and repentance when we seek to literally ‘turn around’ and realign our lives and focus toward God. It is a time to give up things as well as take on new life-giving practices, helping us rid ourselves of distractions and our own selfish desires. By doing so, we seek to live and love as more faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.” Our self-reflection will focus on simplicity and contentment. While taking inventory of the extravagant life God has blessed us with, we make a pledge to that says with God, we have more than enough.
Sermons in this series
- Enough
I Have Had Enough Of Death
by Dion Frasier
“Don’t let death steal the hope of resurrection possibilities!” We conclude our Lenten journey by celebrating the resurrection of Jesus on this Easter Day 2017. Two women, whose hope seemed crushed at the crucifixion, now see their hope restored as they encounter the Risen Christ. Will we seek to have a similar encounter? Will we rise up and live our lives as ones being empowered by the same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave? This is our moment to rise up!
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- Enough
Because You Are My King, I Have Enough
by Dion Frasier
As the people threw their palms and coats at Jesus' feet, they were looking for a king, a leader of a revolution.
- The people were expecting a King that was a champion warrior like the giant-slayer David
- The people were expecting a King that would restore the physical and political prominence of the nation of Israel
- The people were expecting a King that would be big and bad, a frightening terror to the world
- The people were expecting a King that would oppress their oppressors
- The people were expecting a King that would bring a life of luxury, and lavish kingdom-living - the extreme opposite of their current poverty
They realized that the remedy of their dissatisfaction and displeasure and disappointment was somehow found in this new King.
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- Enough
Because You Value Me More Than Money, I Have Enough
by Dion Frasier
Jesus is calling us to surrender all to him. He calls us to give it all up for him and for the kingdom of God. The ultimate motivation for us to surrender is contained within the Matthew narrative. Jesus was a Messiah (a King) and could have lived life in a palace full of pristine possessions, accompanied with a fat bank account. Yet He gave that all up for you and me. He valued you and me more than money. Because he valued us more than money, we have enough!
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- Enough
Because You Forgive Me, I Have Enough
by Justin Kuhn
Youth and Worship Minister
While Peter wants to know the details on how many times he has to forgive, Jesus answers with the reason why he should choose to forgive. The answer to why is based on who we are. We're a forgiven people, and we're called to be people of forgiveness. This is the way of the Kingdom of God, and as his people, we're expected to bring this way of life to this world.
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- Enough
Because I Know You, I Have Enough
by Dion Frasier
Where did we get tricked into thinking that following Jesus was more complicated than first accepting Jesus' call to follow him?
Video courtesy of Hillary Scott and The Scott Family
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- Enough
Because You Healed Me, I Have Enough
by Dion Frasier
After exploring the healing stories of Jesus in Matthew we are met with the fact that healing is not confined to physical healing, and that healing accomplished more than physical restoration. In fact, these healings helped to highlight Jesus' mission to be involved in changing the lives of people who allow him to invade their space.
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- Enough
Because You’re My Treasure, I Have Enough
by David Pace
Bible Class Teacher
Jesus calls us to place our treasure in heaven, the only place that is truly secure. If we do that, he tells us that we don’t have to focus so much of our energy on worrying – God knows what we need and He will provide enough.
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- Enough
Because I Worship You, I Have Enough
by Dion Frasier
I wonder what role did Jesus' 40 day experience with God play in his refusal to listen to the tempter? I wonder if part of the reason we are more prone to succumb to temptation is because we have not introduced a steady diet of experiencing God in our lives. Are we spending time in God’s word? Are we spending time alone with God?
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