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Come Alive
The Way Forward
The next three weeks will focus on a discussion about discipleship as it pertains to the individual journey of discipleship and our journey together as disciples in the Reynoldsburg church. While discipleship is language that tends to get lost in the daily operation of church strategy and management, it is our intention to refocus our life together as a function of growing and maturing together as Christ’s Body in Reynoldsburg. This discussion culminates on Easter Sunday, when we celebrate the Risen Christ and appeal to him to give us new life for the way forward.
Sermons in this series
- Come Alive
Come Alive: The Way Forward
by Dion Frasier
He Is Risen! This momentous declaration will never grow old. On this Resurrection Sunday, we proclaim boldly that Christ is Risen and that his Life brings us New life as individuals and collectively as a church. Through stories of resurrected lives and resurrected churches, we will proclaim our intention to “Come Alive” in 2018, growing in our passion for God and our passion for others!
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- Come Alive
The Way To A Better Church
by Dion Frasier
In this sermon, I will share some exciting news about our way forward as a church. The Reynoldsburg church will take intentional steps to grow current disciples and t make new disciples. These steps are met with the growing challenges of being a church in the 21st century. We continue to assert in faith that God is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or imagine.
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- Come Alive
The Way To A Better Life
by Dion Frasier
Starting with a description of God’s character (Exodus 34:6-7), we will launch into this series by making the case that it is of paramount importance to believe, embrace and embody God’s character first. When we live into God’s character, the natural outflow should be the sharing of God’s character, particularly His grace.
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