Before Jesus preached a word…
Before he healed any lepers or touched the eyes of the blind...
Before he cast out demons…
Before he chose disciples to follow him…
Before the crowds ran after to him to follow…
Before it all, Jesus was baptized.
We continue to be stunned by this featured story in the gospel because we view baptism as a cleansing from our sins. What did Jesus need to be cleansed of? He was the perfect Lamb of God (Agnus Dei). He was without sin. He was spotless! Since Jesus’ baptism is one of the few narratives that made it into all four gospels our curiosity deepens.
I must warn you. For the purpose of this Lenten journey, do not get carried away trying to interpret this text. Listen to the text. Experience the text. Allow yourself to be transported to the shores of the Jordan. Witness Jesus receiving a cosmic bestowing of approval. The Father says to Jesus, “This is my Son in whom I am well pleased.” Since we, as Jesus followers have experienced baptism, it is not inappropriate to desire the same conferring of God’s blessing.
So right now, quiet yourself. Eliminate the noise. Hear the Father telling you that you are his son/daughter and He is well pleased with you. You are his beloved. Perhaps you need reminding so repeat to yourself for the next minute: “I am God’s beloved!” After a few minutes, record a prayer of gratitude for being God’s beloved.