On this 17th day of our Lenten Fast, we encounter one of the many instances where Jesus was challenged by those who opposed him. It may be that as you spend time in reflection that your mind journeys to a place where you reflect on the people in your life who gives you trouble, heartache or that flat out annoy you. I can see how this particular attack on Jesus aggravated him. Many times, Jesus responded with witty retorts that left his accusers baffled and speechless. I see no difference here.
Out of this episode in the life of Jesus we encounter one of the most difficult passages in our Bibles. There are warnings against blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This passage has yielded the phrase, “The unforgivable sin.” Is that the teaching of this passage? Doesn’t that place limits on God’s power to forgive all sins? Or, is this strong reaction by Jesus his way of saying that the staunch practice of calling good evil and evil good ultimately ends up nowhere.
In this Lenten journey, a full understanding of what Jesus meant here is not necessary, but it might be a place to consider the futility of equating that which is holy with that which is evil. Or it may be a place to take inventory of the evil that persists in our lives. What demons do you need Jesus to cast out of your life?
Pray to God in the name of Jesus to purge you of the evil that refuses to vacate your life.