Like a Good Neighbor - Activating the Great Commandment

Like a Good Neighbor

Activating the Great Commandment

Series start date: July 17th, 2022

In this six week series, we will seek to live deeply into God's command to love God and love neighbors. We do not take for granted where God has placed our church community. Accordingly, we seek fuel from God's word to activate our church community to engage our neighbors and impact them with the royal law - "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Sermons in this series

  • Like a Good Neighbor

    Love Does

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Taken from the best-selling book by Bob Goff, we will explore the implications of loving our neighbors in practical terms. What is God calling us or inviting us to do in Central Ohio? A commitment to love God and love others will activate the great command in our neighborhoods!

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  • Like a Good Neighbor

    The Table of Grace

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Embracing the Triune God is accepting the invitation to join the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in Mission. Being good neighbors is inviting our friends and community to feast at the table of the Lord with the Triune God serving as gracious Host!

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  • Like a Good Neighbor

    Who is My Neighbor

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Why are we insistent on creating boundaries when it comes to serving and welcoming neighbors. Jesus tells the story of a Samaritan who served despite the way his people were regarded by person he served. In an area of growing international and cultural diversity, God is calling us to break barriers and be good neighbors.

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  • Like a Good Neighbor

    A Case for Neighboring

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    Where do we start our effort to be better neighbors? We will consider Jesus' missional call to the apostles in Acts 1:8. Neighboring is cultivated and practiced in church community and extended outward.

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  • Like a Good Neighbor

    Look Who's Coming to Dinner

    What is your star rating? We all have one. Hospitality is more than inviting people to your house. It is inviting them to share in your life.

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  • Like a Good Neighbor

    Loving God Means Loving Your Neighbor

    Dion Frasier

    by Dion Frasier


    You can't have one without the other. The great commandment links our love of God with the love of people. Somehow, the church must demonstrate in the community the inseparable link between the two.

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We strive to be imitators of Christ by glorifying God, uplifting one another, serving our neighbors, and sharing the promise of eternal life. Join us!
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